Recognition for the Elite
Continental Who's Who recognizes those individuals that have demonstrated outstanding leadership and achievement in their occupation industry and profession.
Continental Who's Who has become a leader in their industry and what I have gained from speaking with executives there is a feeling of fortitude and resilience that has seemed to all but vanish in recent years. The face of the the world economy has changed no longer recognizable and it is Continental Who's Who that is emerging as something that can only be described as welcoming. CWW has been enabling many to climb out of the ashes and back to their rightful place among the Who's Who of business executives. As I spoke to Diane Webster I asked her what sets CWW aside from other Media Outlets as she explained, " In today's marketplace what our studies have shown is that it is about creating partnerships and relationships and we have done just that, we have taken great strides in our web site's database development ( ) as well as the organizations we are now aligning ourselves with, this we plan to share with our members. You can look at it as the old cliche states; One hand washes the other and two hands wash the face! " I then asked when dealing with some of the most astute individuals many people we have all heard about read about or seen on T.V. what pitfalls have to be overcome to maintain a high level of commitment and excellence. Diane stated, " We obviously have to screen each member prior to inclusion and being that we are member funded we need to make sure that we choose only those individuals that are proactive in our public relations approach. This can be sometimes difficult because cost versus value is gaged through someone's prospective point of view. However we maintain a high level of quality and commitment to each one of our members and providing a forum where they can consult, exchange ideas and do business with each other. After speaking with Diane what she was saying really resonated with me. What I got from it was that in order for us to prosper and not just tread water we need to unite and combine our skills and this is what Continental Who's Who has done for this in my opinion they have earned a gold star. I anticipate great things over the next few years from this Media mogul and will keep you all posted.John M
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